- Germany. The Path of Happiness. Lecture on Socrates’ teachings given by New Acropolis Germany for World Philosophy Day.
- Belgium. Dialogue between science and spirituality. Lecture to mark World Philosophy Day by Professor Fernand Figares, Director of New Acropolis Belgium.
- Spain. Staging of “The Death of Socrates” by New Acropolis at the Barcelona Athenaeum for World Philosophy Day.
- Spain. Philosophy news. Talk at the Barcelona Athenaeum with the participation of the director of New Acropolis Barcelona.
- Spain. World Philosophy Day. The Director of New Acropolis Cadiz participates in a round table on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- Spain. Staging of Plato’s work The Banquet at New Acropolis Grenada for World Philosophy Day.
- Italy. Wind instrument quintet concert during the Philosophy Festival organized by New Acropolis Syracuse.
- Italy. Wind instrument quintet concert during the Philosophy Festival organized by New Acropolis Syracuse.
- Italy. Voyage on the Seas of Friendship. New Acropolis L’Aquila (Italy) organized an activity in an old palace for World Philosophy Day.
- Italy. Youth. Nihilists or Idealists? Philosophical studies seminar organized by New Acropolis Catania (Italy) for World Philosophy Day.
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