- Vienna. On “World Philosophy Day”, New Acropolis set up an exhibition entitled “Weltethos” (Global Ethic). This event included a dialogue with representatives of different religions (Islam, Christianity and Buddhism) under the slogan “The Return of Philosophy”, which dealt with timeless and universal ethics as unifiers of all beliefs.
- Graz (Austria). Symposium entitled “Die Philosophie der Rückkehr” (The Return of Philosophy). In celebration of Philosophy World Day, New Acropolis organized a symposium on the importance of the return of philosophy in all aspects of our lives. This included a series of seminars and lectures as well as a performance of Plato’s “Symposium”.
- Graz (Austria). Symposium entitled “Die Philosophie der Rückkehr” (The Return of Philosophy). In celebration of Philosophy World Day, New Acropolis organized a symposium on the importance of the return of philosophy in all aspects of our lives. This included a series of seminars and lectures as well as a performance of Plato’s “Symposium”.
- Brussels. Professor Christoph Eberhard spoke before a large audience about “Responsibility and Courage” on World Philosophy Day.
- As part of the celebration of World Philosophy Day, New Acropolis in Switzerland organized a visit to the Farinet path, a route of stained glass windows commemorating the mythical character of canton Valais, nicknamed the Swiss Robin Hood due to his human and spiritual values.
- Lausanne (Switzerland). As part of the World Philosophy Day celebrations, New Acropolis organized a dinner-debate on the theme of Heroism, an important value for coping with the challenges of our time.
- Spain. The “National Congress of Ancient Philosophy and Modern Science”, jointly organized by UNESCO’S Association for Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue in Malaga and New Acropolis in Spain, was held with great success. The event was supported by the Provincial Government of Malaga and several institutions and associations.
- Philosophical Evening at Castellón (Spain). Students from the school of philosophy NA celebrated the anniversary of Plato with a “platonic dinner.” It is the sixth consecutive year that it is celebrated and is dedicated to a specific theme or dialogue of the Greek philosopher.
- Almeria (Spain). On the occasion of the celebration of World Philosophy Day, there was a panel discussion entitled “Contributions of philosophy for a world in crisis”, with participants from the University, the Club Unesco and NA in Almeria.
- Heraklion (Crete). For the World Philosophy Day, it was organized a “Philosophy Week” with special daily events and tributes on philosophical presentations, theatrical events, lectures and open discussions.
- Heraklion (Crete). For the World Philosophy Day, it was organized a “Philosophy Week” with special daily events and tributes on philosophical presentations, theatrical events, lectures and open discussions.
- In the cycle “Dialogue with…” organized by New Acropolis L’Aquila (Italy) to mark World Philosophy Day, sponsored by UNESCO, a presentation was given about the life of Nelson Mandela and his fight against the apartheid. The last of these meetings was dedicated to Martin Luther King and his speech “I have a dream…”
- Rome. To commemorate World Philosophy Day, sponsored by UNESCO and the City hall, New Acropolis organized a three-day festival on the theme of freedom, with theater performances, round table discussions, and an exhibition of comics, videos and “philosophy cafés”.
- Bologna (Italy). On World Philosophy Day, an event instituted by UNESCO and sponsored by the City Hall, N.A. organized a series of activities entitled “I’m going out… Are You?” based on Plato’s Myth of the Cave. The director of the “Alexandria Project”, Prof. Harry Costin, took part in this event with a large group of students and teachers from secondary schools.
- London. On the occasion of World Philosophy day, New Acropolis organized a series of lectures on “Greece, Ancient and Modern”, “The Spirit of Islam”, “Pierre Hadot” and “Philosophy of History”.
- London. On the occasion of World Philosophy day, New Acropolis organized a series of lectures on “Greece, Ancient and Modern”, “The Spirit of Islam”, “Pierre Hadot” and “Philosophy of History”.
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